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编辑: 浏览数: 发布时间:2019-06-26


人:赵振纲(C. K. Chao)教授


点:e世博 教一楼第二会议室

报告题目:Complex Variable Methods in Elasticity Problems


Within the framework of the linear theory of elasticity, the problem of multilayered media with straight or curvilinear boundaries is solved by using complex variable methods. Based on the method of analytical continuation theorem, conformal mapping and the alternating technique, a rapid convergent series solution for both the displacement and stress functions, which is expressed in terms of an explicit general term of the complex potential of the corresponding homogeneous problem, is obtained in an elegant form. The number of layers is arbitrary and the system is subjected to arbitrary loading (singularities). The solutions to elasticity problems are derived by the heterogenization technique which allows us to write down the solution explicitly in terms of the solution of a corresponding homogeneous problem subjected to the same loading. Numerical results are provided for some particular examples to investigate the effect of material combinations on the interfacial stresses.


赵振纲,台湾科技大学讲座教授,1978年毕业于成功大学机械系,1980年获台湾大学机械系硕士学位,1987年获美国里海大学应用力学博士学位。迄今总共发表或已接受SCI期刊论文182篇,新型发明专利27件。研究领域涵盖多数异质问题之解析解,核燃料破损分析,脊椎及长骨植入物之数值分析与生物力学测试,光学微透镜阵列模仁之研究以及极薄电磁钢片轧延制程分析。在学术上担任Journal of Thermal Stresses常务编辑以及接受国际知名出版社Spinger邀请撰写热应力百科全书(Encyclopedia of Themal Stresses),获Fellow of Trinity College, University of Oxford, UK, Fellow of Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,中兴大学讲座教授,成大航太所杰出校友,以及孙方铎力学奖。申请人在产学合作方面参与科技部产学大联盟与中钢合作产学计画中执行「中钢极薄电磁钢片轧延与退火技术」,成功利用应变密度方法进行热裂破坏含缺陷空孔的预测,将高产值之矽钢胚由320分钟加热时间缩短至240分钟提升约25%的产能并达到节能减碳的制程效果.在研究团队指导学生论文方面,多次参加力学学会学生论文竞赛获得优等奖,荣获2017,2019中国工程期刊最佳论文奖。除了研究与服务外,在教学方面亦有不遗余力之表现,多次获台湾科技大学机械系优良教师。

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